I've recently been working on my writing a lot. Writing is always something that has tickled my brain and soothed my soul. But writing is a lot and it's hard. It takes time and effort to dedicate yourself to a specific story, a specific idea. That is something that I struggle with the most. I will start a project, get a few chapters in, and then move on to some other project. Because of that, I am not finishing anything. I'm not getting anywhere.
I have come to the realization that writing is a marathon, not a sprint. And yes, there are writing sprints and those are totally fine and great. But mentally, you need to keep yourself focused. You need to not rush through the art of storytelling. Take it slow or at least at an even pace. Reserve your feelings, excitement, determination for the final mile. Good writing processes don't always have to be habitual, but they are most productive when they are. I'm not saying: write 500 words a day everyday and you'll be great, because let's be real, life happens. Things come up or get in the way.
I just think that so often I get caught up in the story, the first mile of the marathon, and then I end up running out of juice by the time I make it halfway. As a writer in the new year, that is something that I am going to focus on. I am going to pace myself, one page at a time. I am not going to expend all my effort into the first few chapters. I am going to make it to the end. And so are you!
Together we are going to create incredible stories and we are going to make it all the way to the final word on that final page. You just have to believe in yourself and try. It's going to be the best.
As always, thank you for reading and I hope you have an excellent day!